Monday, May 14, 2012

Mango Sticky Rice

Recently, we ordered mango sticky rice at a nearby Thai restaurant. I apparently only said "sticky rice," and when we got home, that's just what we got. Since then, I've been craving it. I've especially been craving it because I've actually been buying Ataulfo mangos (aka Champagne mangos), from Costco lately. I craved the rice part with the sweetened coconut milk. I found a recipe from She Simmers, and tried it out, with a tiny adjustment. 

Her recipe called for 1/2 cup of rice. I was greedy and wanted to make sure we all get plenty to eat, so I doubled the recipe. But, when it came to adding the sugar, the idea of a whole cup of sugar gave me shivers. So, I opted not to double the sugar, but I seriously think it could have been even less. This was one sweet dish. I can't imagine how it would have been in the original recipe!

Anyway, here it is, in my words...And, a photo!

1 cup Raw Sticky Rice
1 cup Coconut Milk
1/3 cup sugar
1 tsp salt
2 Ataulfo mangos, peeled and sliced thinly
Sesame Seeds, optional, as garnish

Soak the rice for about 10 minutes, then rinse to remove excess starch.

Put the rice in a large, heat-proof bowl, and steam in a rice cooker until done, about 20 minutes.

Heat the coconut milk, sugar and salt together to dissolve the sugar and salt.

Leaving the rice still in the cooker, pour the coconut mixture into the cooked rice and stir. The rice will pretty much be drowning in the coconut milk. With the rice cooker setting on warm, cover with the lid and let it sit for another 30 minutes.

Serve with the mangos, and sesame seeds sprinkled on top. Eat.

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